The Æthelmearc
College of Bards

We Fight With the Midrealm
Music and Lyrics by THL Cadell Blaidd du

I followed the setting sun westward
And I saw a sign in the sky
For there in a cloud was a dragon,
A craving for war in his eye.

Today we fight with the Midrealm
So rally your swords to the cause
We fight for the honor of Malcolm
And dragons have powerful jaws.

The field of the day was the mountains
For raiders had come on the morn
When steel tasted blood I knew this was
The day for which I had been born.

Today we fight with the Midrealm
The black stones of onyx our prize
We fight for the glory of Tessa
So you won't see fear in our eyes.

The battle was lengthy and bloody
But now it has come to an end
Where once we took arms 'gainst an enemy
We'll now take the hand of a friend.

Today we fought with the Midrealm
Great honor was won on the field
Glory it was the day's watchword
But all of the wounds have now healed.

We drink the drink of the warrior
We sit by the fire's proud light
But when new foes come from the East realm
We'll stand with our friends as we fight.

Tomorrow we'll fight with the Midrealm
When the war-drums of Pennsic are played
The dragon, once foe, is now ally
And the Tyger shall fall by our blade.

The dragon, once foe, is now ally
And the Tyger shall fall by our blade.

Copyright © Trevor Schadt 2005

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